Nuance Required because the world is full of complexity.
So many of the conversations around sustainable fashion and within culture in general are surrounded by a tone of "black and white, good and bad, right and wrong" when that is often not the case. Reality holds a lot of complexity. Not everything is straightforward when it comes to sustainable and ethical living. There are trade-offs and consequences, both good and bad, for whatever path we pursue. There is no one right way to be sustainable. And it’s not always accessible to pursue it. My hope is that I can express the nuances in the challenges we face in our pursuits. This newsletter seeks to create space for a more open conversation around the fashion industry and the things that matter. Nuance is required in order to have honest, graceful conversations about the fashion industry, how and why we consume, and what we can do about it.
What to expect:
Delivered to your inbox every other Sunday.
An exploration of the fashion industry with room for subtleties
Considerations for our role as consumers
Sustainability tips
Resources to learn more
And, of course, lots of nuance